Bike Show

 Dirt-Track Racer

This Harley Davidson Dirt Track Racer with Panhead motor in a rigid frame was completely buildt by SSCycle. Most of the Custom Parts are made by SSCycle


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Tech Spec
Motor Panhead 1600ccm , MFY 1953
Casing Delkron
Pistons S&S  3 5/8
Valves Porsche
Crank shaft S&S 4 ½"  extra heavey
Push rods Alu
Carburetor Weber 44 IDF with slef made manifold
Aircleaner 2 x S&S Super B
Ignition Dyna S Single Fire
Exhaust Short slash-cut
Power 100HP at  4000 rpm
Cylinder haeds STD with left intake
Oli lines Compl. outside
Transmission Ratche top with  Procomp gears  4,60:1
Primary Orig.duplex chain
Cluch  OEM with Kawa hydraulic caliper
Secundary 530er O-chain witht SSCycle offset sroket
Kickstarter Millmeyer
Frame Orig.straightleg  1956
Rake 30°
Fork OEM with  5° tripple tree
Front wheel 2,5 x 19" HD Sporty
Front tire 3,25 x 19"
Rear wheel 5,0 x 16" FLT modified
Rear tire 5,0 x 16" Cocker
Front brake disc 10" steel
Front calipers Orig.FLT 1981
Rear brake 48Z SSCycle sprocke brake
Hablebar Orig. Panhead with twist grips
Riser Orig. E-Glide
Grips Original twist gripsleft and right
Fender SSCycle
Foot rests SSCycle with ISR-master cylinders for brake and clutch
Gas tank Aftermareket
Seat OEM-Panhead, modified
Oil tank SSCyle with internal Ölfilter
Headlight Lucas 5 ¾